Using funding provided by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, we have purchased materials for rockets one and two that will be used to register Adam Vogel with the Tripoli Rocketry Association. Pictured above is our 2.2″ diameter fiberglass rocket body and nosecone. Below and to the left is an H class, 234 Ns impulse motor. Under this is a J class motor with an impulse of 700 Ns. To the right of the motors are several single use black powder ejection charges. These charges will be wired to our avionics bay (not pictured) and will control separation and parachute ejection. In the bottom left is a pack of rail guides that will be used to guide our rocket during launch. To the right of the rail guides is kevlar shock cord that will be used to tether the two halves of the rocket when it separates. Next is a 9″ x 9″ sheet of Nomex fabric. This fabric is flame resistant and will protect our parachute from harm during the ejection process. Finally on the bottom right is our parachute.
Rockets one and two will be launched on the same day and should be ready to launch within a month of returning to campus. Launch details will be posted here and all are welcome to come to the launch.
We are also working on our Salukifunder page which will provide us with the necessary funds to continue development.